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22 Eylül 2024 Pazar

Opium and War: The Hidden History of Afghanistan


Afghanistan’s always been the center of attention—because who wouldn't want a piece of barren, rocky terrain, right? But let’s be real: it’s not the land that’s valuable, it’s what’s hiding underneath it—opium. While everyone was busy romanticizing the heroic tales of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and the British Empire playing chess with Russia in their “Great Game,” the real players were after something far more... profitable: the opium trade.

Jump to the Cold War, and you’d think the Soviet invasion was all about spreading communism. Cute. In reality, they were after the world’s largest heroin supply. And the U.S.? Well, they said they were backing the mujahideen to fight communism, but billions of dollars later, you’ve got to wonder—was the CIA really just in it for the rebels, or were they securing a little slice of that heroin pie? There’s no shortage of whispers that the mujahideen were not only armed by the CIA but bankrolled by the cha-ching of heroin profits.

Then came the Taliban, who miraculously slashed opium production—how rude, right? But don’t worry, the U.S. fixed that. After 9/11, the invasion brought freedom... and a nice 75% chunk of the world’s heroin by 2002. Total coincidence, obviously. Because “Operation Enduring Freedom” definitely had nothing to do with regaining control over that sweet, sweet drug trade.

Funny how the U.S. claimed to be all about fighting drugs in Afghanistan, yet heroin production exploded after they showed up. Déjà vu? It’s almost like Vietnam all over again, where the CIA and local warlords allegedly got cozy over, you guessed it, heroin trafficking.

So, Afghanistan—a mere pawn in the global war on terror? Or maybe, just maybe, it was the key player in the world’s underground drug economy, with shadowy figures from the intelligence community pulling the strings. But hey, that’s all in the past now, right? The Taliban won, banned the opium, and the U.S. packed up and left. Mission accomplished?

Opium and War: The Hidden History of Afghanistan

  Afghanistan’s always been the center of attention—because who wouldn't want a piece of barren, rocky terrain, right? But let’s be real...